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Drinking to Success
Originally planted in 1989, Greyfriars Vineyard was purchased in 2010 by current owners Mike and Hilary Wagstaff who were attracted by the opportunity to create

Silent Pool & Brand Value
Nestled deep in the Surrey Hills, mystery shrouds the origins of The Silent Pool, but recent acclaim has brought attention to The Silent Pool Gin


Drinking to Success
Originally planted in 1989, Greyfriars Vineyard was purchased in 2010 by current owners Mike and Hilary Wagstaff who were attracted by the opportunity to create

Silent Pool & Brand Value
Nestled deep in the Surrey Hills, mystery shrouds the origins of The Silent Pool, but recent acclaim has brought attention to The Silent Pool Gin


Drinking to Success
Originally planted in 1989, Greyfriars Vineyard was purchased in 2010 by current owners Mike and Hilary Wagstaff who were attracted by the opportunity to create

Silent Pool & Brand Value
Nestled deep in the Surrey Hills, mystery shrouds the origins of The Silent Pool, but recent acclaim has brought attention to The Silent Pool Gin